Thursday, 15 December 2011

Blowtorch Vs... Do Not Disturb Sign

Your laying in bed and the sign on the door says.. do not disturb.  Someone walks in and at that moment, you realise the sign on the door is clearly not working!  So lets set it on fire!

Blowtorch Vs Do Not Disturb Sign

As expected, this was not a very long episode.  The sign was made of plastic and it really stood no chance against the might of what was unleashed upon it!  As for smell, typical burning cardboard smell, nothing awesome or disturbing! 

Blowtorch Rating (1 Its Great.... 10.. Oh god dont do it!!!)

On a scale of 1-10 we decided on a rating of based on smell, the resulting sculpture and the time in which it took to blowtorch the item!

Blowtorch Vs... Orange

Orange juice for breakfast?  But did you ever try heating it up?  In this episode we stick an orange in-front of our blowtorch...and the result?... See the video below :)

Blowtorch Vs Orange 

Finally, an experiment that actually smells half decent, in fact this actually kinda smelt nice in a strange way.  Apart from the extremely burnt edges and the resulting half-moon appearance... Not a bad experiment at all!  I wouldn't use this to cure a human cold tho! 

Blowtorch Rating (1 Its Great.... 10.. Oh god dont do it!!!)

On a scale of 1-10 we decided on a rating of based on the interesting smell, the resulting moon sculpture and the time in which it took to blowtorch the item!

Blowtorch Vs... Weedol Weekiller

Want rid of those pesky weeds from your driveway?  Well now you can with a handy everyday use blowtorch.  But what about that weedkiller that's left sitting in your garden shed?  Well we had the same problem, so we decided to put that in-front of the blowtorch also!

Blowtorch Vs Weedol Weed killer

This proved to be rather interesting when coming to actually remove the weed killer from the blowtorch area, as the smell was surprisingly overpowering.... not one to try at home people!  Don't breath this as Tom Morello would say!

Blowtorch Rating (1 Its Great.... 10.. Oh god dont do it!!!)

On a scale of 1-10 we decided on a rating of based on the viscous smell, the resulting sculpture and the time in which it took to blowtorch the item!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Blowtorch Vs... 3D Glasses

Looking into the world of 3D is quite interesting, what's not interesting however is looking through a pair of 3D sunglasses when you have nothing in 3D to actually look at.  Therefore we have come to the conclusion that we no longer need these and it would be interesting to see what would happen if they are subjected to an extreme amount of heat!

Blowtorch vs 3D sunglasses

Another very fast experiment here, with the glasses melting rather quickly and giving of quite a potent odour which caused me to feel quite ill.  Also they are not very fire resistant which has me concerned if I'm ever caught in a cinema fire!!!!

Blowtorch Rating (1 Its Great.... 10.. Oh god dont do it!!!)

On a scale of 1-10 we decided on a rating of 7 based on weird smell, the resulting lump and the time in which it took to blowtorch the item!

Blowtorch Vs... Tv Remote

You use it to change channel, it helps you stay warm in bed when you want to watch many different things on the box...

Well now its on the tube...the YouTube, and its time to meet its fiery end as we stick this old Tv Remote in-front of our blowtorch.

This was horrific, as once again the smell of the Nokia 3310 returns.  Not only that but the buttons gave of quite a distinct odour and its not an experiment I would repeat.  Overall the remote itself survived pretty well, but the faceplate of it is no longer usable by today's standards!

Blowtorch Rating (1 Its Great.... 10.. Oh god dont do it!!!)

On a scale of 1-10 we decided on a rating of 9 based on the disgusting smell, the resulting sculpture and the time in which it took to blowtorch the item! 

Blowtorch Vs... O2 Top-up Card

In episode 8, we put an O2 Top-up card in-front of our blowtorch.  I kind of had an idea this experiment would not go very well or fail completely, however we did get some burning and melting!

Blowtorch vs O2 Topup Card

Overall it was quite fast, there was no smell and it only took seconds to blowtorch...

Blowtorch Rating (1 Its Great.... 10.. Oh god dont do it!!!)

On a scale of 1-10 we decided on a rating of based on smell, the resulting sculpture and the time in which it took to blowtorch the item!