Thursday, 26 April 2018

10 Expensive Things Owned By Movie Star Will Smith

Will smith and 10 expensive things he owns in today's top 10 video with his net worth over $200 Million.... what does this movie star own?

10 Expensive Things Owned By Movie Star Will Smith

Will smith and 10 expensive things he owns in today's top 10 video with his net worth over $200 Million.... what does this movie star own?

Thursday, 19 April 2018

10 Expensive Things Owned By Esther Akoth AKA Akothee

Esther Akoth, AKA Akothee in today's 10 Expensive Things Video, this lady is a legend in Kenya with a net worth of around $61 Million Dollars!

Thursday, 12 April 2018

10 Expensive Things Owned By Millionaire Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton and 10 expensive things he owns, along with his net worth of $240 Million Dollars, we look at his cars, mansions, yacht and private jet!

Saturday, 7 April 2018

12 Expensive Things Owned By Billionaire Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon has a billionaire net worth of $1.8 Billion Dollars, we take a look at 12 Expensive Things He Owns.