Saturday, 12 November 2011

Blowtorch Vs... Smoke Alarm!!

It could be said that blow torching a smoke alarm is one of the more interesting experiments on the show.  We say this for 1 reason... (1) It is interesting to see what happens to a smoke alarm when it gets set on fire, as its supposed to save your life.

So on the morning of the 14th October 2011, we set-up the first experiment unaware of what was about to happen! (Video Below)

Blowtorch Vs Smoke Detector - Episode #1

At first it seemed like the plastic was just turning brown, however the true force of the blowtorch then began to melt the plastic, then the insides began to drip onto the wooden supports and finally, billowing smoke engulfed the garden in which we were filming.  That being said, it was pure awful and I would never do this again!!!

Overall result was a jellyfish like item which smells rotten and needs to go to the nearest trash can!

Blowtorch Rating (1 Its Great.... 10.. Oh god dont do it!!!)

On a scale of 1-10 we decided on a rating of 7 based on smell, the resulting sculpture and the time in which it took to blowtorch the item!

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